About the Sunshine Mile

The Sunshine Mile is an iconic and historic area of Tucson on Broadway Boulevard east of downtown. It is a vibrant district for commerce and culture: currently being injected with fresh life.

New businesses are arriving and clusters of unique buildings, old and new, invite people to live, work, shop, and explore a place with modern amenities and historical charm.

Explore the mile

Eat, shop, and work

The Sunshine Mile Business Association (SMBA)
is the public face of all things happening to re-energize Broadway Boulevard east of downtown, promoting the Sunshine Mile as a thriving hub of commerce and community.

The SMBA brings businesses and community partners together to promote one another and the Sunshine Mile as a destination for shopping, dining and entertainment. With renewed interest, vision, and collaboration between the public and private sectors, the Sunshine Mile is alive and growing.

New and unique public spaces, sidewalks, and bike paths

The planned widening of Broadway Boulevard with bike lanes, sidewalks, and landscaping, as part of the $2.1 billion-dollar Regional Transportation Authority plan, is an opportunity for businesses and the community to to regain a prominent place in Tucson’s identity.

New and unique public spaces, sidewalks, and bike paths will welcome neighbors, visitors, pedestrians, and bicyclists.