We Are One | Somos Uno Resiliency Fund will support workers, families and children, nonprofits organizations, and small businesses in Tucson, Arizona.

YWCA of Southern Arizona will distribute grants of up to $10,000* to local small businesses that are experiencing economic hardship and a loss of income due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. The Small Business Continuity Grant program is made possible by the We Are One | Somos Uno Resiliency Fund.
These grants are intended to help small businesses keep their employees on payroll and cover other necessary operating expenses. Preference will be given to small businesses whose owners are minorities, women, veterans, disabled, members of other underrepresented groups, and who are located in areas of economic hardship in the City of Tucson. Preference will also be given to applicants of the greatest need that have not received SBA PPP or Rio Nuevo Funding.
Read more about requirements and how to apply